Thursday, January 27, 2011

The daily moring routine to get to the bus stop!

"Teg you have 15min before my alarm goes off, you better get ready, your going to miss the bus."
Tegan, "Is it friday?"
"No, we have ___ day till friday."
"Oh ok when I get home can I play Halo"
"You have to"
He interrupts "I know I will do my homework , I know I know geeze"
"Not everyday is a game day, you play way to long when you play."
Nothing from him.
"Teg come eat please are you dressed yet you have 10min before my alarm goes off"
"Ok can you help me with my...."
"Yes come here, Where is your...."
Watch T.V a little longer.
"Teg I am going to shut that off if you don't hurry. My alarm just went off, are you done eating?"
"Yes, but I didn't brush my teeth!"
"Hurry Tegan you are going to miss the bus, you need to get up when I ask buddy, this drives me crazy!"
"Do I have to do my hair today mom?"
"It would be nice,but we don't have time, get you jacket, your gloves are in the bag, don't forget to turn in your.... hurry get in the car."
"Mom its a van."
"Oh sorry, the van"
Driving to the bus stop
"I hope we didn't miss it"
"I don't see anyone walking mom, oh there they are, we didn't miss it."
Waiting for the bus with 2min to spare
"Mom when you turn 21 you are old."
"Yep and when you are 26 you are really old."
"Dad is 26"
"He is not going to die is he?"
"I hope not!"
"Oh there is the bus!"
He scrambles for the door every time and it is always locked. Is is like the bus is only going to open the door for 2 seconds and I am going to have to throw him on it.
So then I scramble for the unlock button to get to it by the time he says
"MOM geeze open the door, I going to miss the bus!"
"Bye have a great day, be good, listen to your teacher. I will be" slam door "when you get back and we will." Uh never mind I am done.

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